Daily Archives: 16 April 2007

all silver lining, no cloud

Well the weather has been magnificent, for as long as I can remember (I can remember about six days, at the most – anything beyond that might just as well have happened to someone else). Perfect, like the Heaven in that Albert Brooks movie, 73° and sunny, all the time, with a breeze to keep it getting too hot, and all the plants in a riot of bloom. Even in the city, the air smells like flowers. It is all very beautiful, and I am enjoying it very much, and it does seem churlish to complain, but. Continue reading

bits and bobs

  • “rindroul” is my photo-abbreviation for Rindsrouladen, which is um, long flat pieces of beef that you line with bacon and chopped pickles and roll up and cook forever and it tastes really good. DrBob makes these – I don’t actually know how.
  • Yes, thinkier. People who think, and who make me think, write thinky blog posts. I would like mine to be thinkier. Except that all my thinking leads to the same conclusion, which is: “*sigh* I just don’t know. It’s complicated.”

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